The Cheeky

Featured Article:The Microbiome in Love
Sexual partners are co-captains on the ship of vaginal health and in this world where our bodies are connected in...
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Cheeky Weekly #1
Welcome to The Cheeky Weekly! This is our space for sharing interesting reads, views and...Read more -
Rachel Moranis of Stardust
It’s happening in real time. Menstrual health and wellness is far less taboo than...Read more -
This Vagina Smells Like My Candle
In 2020 Gwyneth Paltrow’s infamous wellness company, Goop, debuted a $75 candle with the inscription, This Smells Like My...Read more -
The Official Cheeky Playlist
For us, everyday vaginal health is as much a conversation as it is a...Read more -
A Very Vaginal Halloween
It’s that time of the year again, when you struggle between looking hot but...Read more -
Interview with Courtney Sender
“I totally understand why a lot of people don’t love it, but I do....Read more -
Hairless Vulvas in Art History
So, why is the image of the hairless vulva so seemingly ubiquitous and treated...Read more -
Olympic Vagina Exercises
Just because we aren’t olympians doesn’t mean we can’t train our vaginas in Olympic...Read more -
Vulvas on the Runway
There’s nothing more meta than wearing your own body as clothing...over your body. We’re not...Read more