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What’s the Best Kind of Lube for the Vagina? What’s the Best Kind of Lube for the Vagina?

What’s the Best Kind of Lube for the Vagina?

Cheeky Team

Basically, the best kind of lube for the vagina is whatever kind of lube feels best for your vagina! There’s so many options out there (water-based, silicon-based, oil-based, all natural, etc), the bottom line is figuring out what feels good to you. That said, there are a few ingredients you should definitely avoid on your quest for the perfect lube. Glycerin, petroleum jelly, microbicide nonoxynol-9, and propylene glycol are all known irritants. Stay away from anything artificially scented or flavored as well. And you can actually use natural oils such as aloe vera, extra virgin olive oil, and virgin coconut oil as lube, but it’s important to keep things sanitary i.e. don’t double tip your hand into the jar. And, as with any lube, stop using it immediately if you get an infection or feel any irritation or discomfort. 


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